
How To Make Angel Wings With Paper

Upcycled map angel wings decor

Map feather wall art

I've e'er admired the big angel fly art that yous often meet in interior stores. Having a bit of time on my easily at the moment I decided to make my own paper angel wing wall decor past using sometime road maps to brand the feathers.

I have made some small plume angel wing ornaments earlier using upcycled shuttlecocks. This time I wanted to make a much larger wall decor.

If you follow my web log you lot will know that my ii main upcycling obsessions are denim and maps. I accept made denim feathers in the past and even though these would await fantastic used to make angel wings, this time I decided to use maps.

A lot of feathers of different sizes are needed to make this angel wings wall decor. I love using onetime maps for my newspaper crafts as they tend to add together extra interest to the project.

These paper wings can be personalized by using maps of special places. A road map of Los Angeles (City of Angels) would take been very apt to use for this arts and crafts. Unfortunately, I didn't have one in my collection of one-time maps.

Route maps not merely look keen but they are a very affordable craft material. If yous don't accept whatever quondam ones yourself you can often pick them up actually cheaply in austerity stores and flea markets. This however works out cheaper than buying craft paper and is more than environmentally friendly.

I know that getting out to craft stores for a lot of us is very hard at the moment. So we want to craft with the things around us whilst we stay at home. The great thing about this project also the road map and glue the but other textile you need is some flake paper-thin packaging.

Maps and cardboard

I found an erstwhile woods frame for the paper angel wings decor and have hung it above our bed for now. It's like the angel wings are a symbol of protection at this difficult fourth dimension in the world at the moment.

What You Need

  • Old road map – if you don't have any enquire older relatives I find that they often have old out of engagement maps they are happy to part with. My dad is actually at present my greatest supplier of old maps.
  • Cardboard – I merely used some scrap cardboard from Amazon packaging.
  • Craft glue – any white paper glue will do.
  • Map feather template – download for free here.
  • Angelwing template
Feather template
Angel wings template

How To Make Map Affections Wings Wall Decor

1.. The start thing to practice is to brand the wing template in paper-thin. Draw one half of the affections wing onto the cardboard and cut it out.

Then describe around this wing shape on another piece of paper-thin and cut out the shape. If you flip over this fly, y'all will end up with a pair of angel wings that are the mirror image of each other.

Making cardboard wings base

2. Next, brand the paper map feathers. Cutting out the template of the three plume sizes onto thin card. Utilize these templates to depict around and cut out map feathers.

Summit tips: If the map is bare on one side depict around the plume on this side as it will exist easier to run across the lines. Likewise, if you layer the map paper you tin cut more than one foliage out at a time. I put 3 sheets of map paper together and cut three leaves out at a time.

cutting out map feathers

3. The number of map feathers you volition need will depend on the size of your angel wing fine art. For each of the wings I used, xi large feathers, 15 medium-sized feathers and 24 small feathers.

Annotation that the feathers are curved you will demand to cut out 2 sets of feathers. One for each side of the map angel wing. So y'all end up with two sets of feathers one curving to the right and the other curving to the left.

Top tip: Once yous have cutting out one set of map feathers, turn the template over to cut out the second set facing the other way.

Cut out map feathers

4. In one case all the map feathers take been cut out, you are fix to assemble the angel wings decor.

Glue the feathers i by one to the paper-thin wings. Starting off with the longest feather, paste glue on the bottom third of the feather. Gum the feather to the tip of the wing.

First off by glueing 3 big feathers next to each other on the wingtip.

Gluing map feathers to make angel wing art
First row of map feathers

5. Next, add another row of large map feathers overlapping the first row. Carry on adding rows of feathers making sure the cardboard underneath is not visable.

In one case the large feathers accept finished (iii rows), glue the medium sized feathers to the wings. Then glue the small-scale feathers working from the bottom up.

Adding feathers
Making a map feather wing

6. When you get to the last row of modest feathers, they will probably overlap the border of the wings. Once the gum has dried only trim the edge with a pair of scissors.

Finished feather wing before triming
Trimming wing edge

seven. Repeat the procedure with the other cardboard fly. A video tutorial tin be watched hither.

Finished map feather angel wings

How To Display The Map Paper Angel Wings

Equally these upcycled affections wings are made from just paper and cardboard they are very light and like shooting fish in a barrel to display.

The affections wings can easily be stuck to the wall using double-sided mounting tape.

I found an old large frame in my shed. Using grey paint, I painted the frame and bankroll lath. I then simply hung my wings in the frame with the mounting record. The glass was not put the glass back in the frame.

map paper angel wing wall decor
Framed map angel wing wall decor

I loved these map affections wings so much I've fabricated a fall version of the angel wings out of painted pine cones.

This isn't the only large upcycled map wall decor I take in my habitation. In my living room, I take a big map fine art pet portrait I made of my dog Toby.

Don't forget to bank check out many of my unique map DIY and craft decor ideas, from IKEA table hacks, lamp hacks and even clock hacks. Or if information technology is feathers you like, check out these upcycled fabric feathers.

Prep Fourth dimension 30 minutes

Active Fourth dimension 30 minutes

Total Time 1 hr

Difficulty Like shooting fish in a barrel

Estimated Toll $ane


  • Cardboard - such as one-time Amazon packaging
  • Sometime road maps
  • Paper glue
  • Plumage template - costless to download


i. Draw and cut out 2 affections wings from the paper-thin. The angel wings should exist a mirror paradigm of each other.

two. Print off the feather templates, small, medium and large.

3. Draw effectually the feather templates on the map newspaper and cut out the plume shapes.

4. Cut out 11 large feathers, 14 medium feathers and 24 small feathers for each wing

5. You should finish upwardly with 2 sets of feathers the mirror image of each other simply similar the wings.

6. Starting with the large feathers glue a row on the tip of the paper-thin wing. Only apply the glue to the top half of each feather.

7. Carry on adding feathers to the wings making certain each row overlaps about fifty%. Move on to smaller feathers as you reach the top of the wings. You should finish off with minor feathers at the top.

viii. Use the scissors to trim off whatever excess map feathers at the top of the wings.

9. Use double-sided mounting tape to mountain the wings into a moving-picture show frame. Or just stick them directly on the wall unframed.

There are more newspaper angel crafts here.

Upcycled paper angel wings decor

If you don't have any road maps there are some free downloadable city maps here you could endeavor with this arts and crafts.

There are many more than paper-thin Christmas crafts ideas here.

How To Make Angel Wings With Paper,


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